Metallic Paint Demo


Base paint surface with Behr 3703 River Way. Let dry.

  • Create a metallic paint using 4 parts Mirror Mirror to 1 part Riverway latex paint.

  • Apply with roller.

  • Apply mixture to 100% of surface with a metallic roller nap. 

  • This is a semi-opaque coverage. Apply additional layers as needed. Allow to dry between layers.

Tips for working with all metallic paint product:

  • Roll from top to bottom on the last pass, to minimize flashing created from mica particles.

  • If covering large surfaces, apply 10% of Time After Time acrylic glaze to mixture. Adding Time After Time will decrease laplines for any latex or acrylic metallic paint.

  • I like to add 10% of Time After Time acrylic glaze to increase the fluidity of my metallic paint.

  • For a different visual effect, use 4’ soft bristle brushes to Crosshatch surface across entire surface to minimize inconsistencies. This will create a different visual effect.

  • Let dry between layers.


Mirror Mirror Demo


Mirror Mirror Demo