Smooth Moves Demo

Chestnut Metallic Plaster

  • Base Paint your surface with 100% coverage Behr Paint 250-7 Melted Chocolate. Let Dry.

  • Create Mixture A - 50%/50% Ratio 50% Smooth Moves and 50% Mirror Mirror. Now you will create a 4 to 1 ratio. Using 4 parts Mixture A to one part Behr Paint 250-7 Melted Chocolate.

Layer 1

  • Using your Mixture A, starting at a top corner of your surface, lightly tap in the plaster mixture with your trowel, applying a thin, smooth layer.

  • Allow portions of your base color to be visible. Keep moving sideways and down, keeping a wet edge.

  • Covering approximately 95% of your surface area. Let dry.

Layer 2

  • Repeat layer one apply a thin, smooth layer. Cover approximately 80% of the surface allowing the base paint to show through. Let dry.

  • Remember to start at your top, left corner, working outward and downward, keeping a wet edge while covering your entire surface. Let dry.

  • This finish creates a soft, metallic plaster with movement and mottling.

Layer 3

  • Repeat layer two applying approximately 70% of your surface to show through.


Smooth Moves Demo